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About Us

Gettting To Know MyBiomed

The Malaysian Biomedical Science Association (MyBiomed) is a professional organisation for Malaysian graduates of Biomedical Science and adjacent degrees programmes, and all other professionals affiliated with the Biomedical Sciences. The idea for the formation of MyBiomed was mooted upon the gazettement of the Allied Health Professions Act 774 in February 2016. Under this act, Biomedical Science graduates can be recruited as licenced Medical Laboratory Scientists. However, there is more to Biomedical Science than being allied health practitioners.

MyBiomed was thus established with the Vision to:
•    Provide training, activities, and programs in the related fields,
•    Build awareness about research, industry development, and current issues related to Biomedical Science,
•    Build awareness on the Allied Health Professions Act 774 among members and provide necessary support in the implementation of the Act,
•    Strengthen relationships between Biomedical Science professionals and establish professional networks for research and related biomedical science industries.

With this Vision in mind, MyBiomed was launched in conjunction with the 3rd Pan-Asian Biomedical Science Conference on the 7th of December 2016, at Hotel Premiera Kuala Lumpur, amongst a gathering of Biomedical Scientists, Researchers, Academics and Industry Professionals.

Membership to MyBiomed is open to all graduates of Biomedical Science degree and related programmes, as well as all associated academics and professionals. MyBiomed aspires to provide support and resources for its members, alongside a focus on the development of medical technology and its applications in Malaysian healthcare. MyBiomed now has over 80 members consisting of academics and professionals from across Malaysia, all dedicated to advancing the fields of Biomedical Science in Malaysia and the region.

MyBiomed facilitates positive collaborations with ministries and departments within the Malaysian government and fosters strong relationships with non-governmental societies and associations. In addition, MyBiomed is continuously engaging with regional and international organisations related to Biomedical Science to maintain and further enhance its relevance.

Further information about MyBiomed please visit: 

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